Visit to Vancouver

On October 21 - 30, 2016, we visited our daughter studying in Vancouver. No photo tour, but of course the camera hung out on city walks, road trips, visits to the nature around the city and on Vancouver Island.

Vancouver photographed from the hotel in North Vancouver, where we were staying.
Perhaps the most famous tourist destination is the steam clock in Gastown.

A drive was made to the tracts north of town, here Alice Lake.
On the anchorage outside West Vancouver, many ships lay waiting. It was rainy and overcast, but the sun broke through a little at sunset.

We also made a visit to the beautiful Lynn Valley Park just outside Vancouver. Season and weather meant that there were very few tourists everywhere.
Halloween was approaching - and it was noticeable! Here in a farm market off Victoria, Vancouver Island.

A real experience was the whale watching with a rib boat, we did from Victoria. No killer whale but a bunch of humpback whales and hundreds of sea lions.

Fisherman's Wharf in Victoria, which was a nice, very British, town to wander around in.
Goldstream Provincial Park was a nice and well-visited park outside Victoria. At the moment, all the salmon migrated up the Goldstream, but there were no pictures of them. There was beautiful scenery and a fantastic waterfall to see!

Steveston south of Vancouver was a nice fishing spot, where you could shop directly from the boats.

On the outskirts of Steveston there was a cape with bird areas and nice views of the mountains north of town.
Finishes with the only real bird image I got. A Canadian stare on the headland at Steveston.