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Selous game reserve

We were between 2 and 11 February 2018 on a safari trip organized by the journal Forskning och framsteg and Äventyrsresor , with a well-known guide from the WWF , to the wildlife reserve and the World Heritage Selous in Tanzania.
Selous is Africa's largest reserve and is relatively unaffected by tourism etc. - so far. One of the big problems is the extensive poaching of elephants.
After the safari, we were a few days on the island of Mafia off the coast of Tanzania.

African ibis stork

Young male elephant trying to scare us.

Young male elephant trying to scare us.
African wild dog

One of the goals of the trip was to see the endangered African wild dog. Characteristic big ears!


Giraffes often take it easy, but this one was in a hurry. Masai Giraffe.

Giraffes usually take it easy, but this one was in a hurry. Masai giraffe.

The Rufiji river houses many hippos. This one kept his eyes on us.

Hippo in Rufiji river

There were not a lot of monkeys, but baboons showed up here and there.


Goliath heron, photographed from boat in Rufiji river.

Carmin bee eater

One of many Nile crocodiles. Is probably lying on eggs.

Nile croc
African open-billed stork

African open-billed stork

Hunted elephants

An elephant out of the herd which, a few hours later, was chased by ivory hunters, equipped with poisoned spears.

Afrikansk elefant

Warthog with accompanying ox chopper

The beautiful tree landscape with a herd of impala antelopes.

Det vackra trädlandskapet med en flock impalaantiloper
Afrikanska bufflar och deras renhållnings-kompisar

African buffaloes and their cleaning buddies.

We saw wild dogs several times, even with hyenas and a prey.

Many, often spectacular, birds were everywhere.

Gnu, för en gångs skuld ensam

Gnu, for once debt alone

One day we visited the nearby village of Mloka.

Many animals gather in and around the Rufiji river. Here are African fish eagles and, of course, hippos

Afrikansk fiskörn (skrikhavsörn)
Flodhästar i Rufiji river

Of course, lions were one of the main expectations of the trip, but we had to wait until the last day, until we saw a flock of 9.

After the safari, we rested for a few days on the almost tourist-free island of Mafia in the Indian Ocean.

Fishing village at Mafia Island
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