Abisko 2021
On 7 - 13 September 2021 we were on a Lapland trip with day hikes, mainly in Abisko National Park.
After the night train up, we stayed 3 nights at STF's tourist station in Abisko.
At the entrance to the national park (and to Kungsleden)
Abisko tourist station
Abiskoeatnu (Abiskojåkka) forms a canyon near the station.
Dag Hammarsköld, who often stayed here, has given names to several meditation sites along the Kungsleden.
Hiking, partly along the rapids and partly over bogs and through birch forests some distance away.
The Lapponian Gate was seen from several directions
Continued hiking on the bogs above Abiskojåkka
From the mountain Njulla, where we took the cable car up, we also hiked some on the north side of Abiskojåkka.
Ended the trip with a visit to Kiruna and Gällivare
The fine church in Kiruna. It will soon be moved completely to a new location a few kilometers away.
The ore train must of course be photographed. One had 67 carriages.
Gällivare - Vassara river